1: Welcome to our Easy Italian Pinwheels recipe! These delicious bites are a perfect appetizer for any occasion.

2: Gather your ingredients for the Italian Pinwheels. You'll need tortillas, cream cheese, Italian seasoning, and salami.

3: Spread a layer of cream cheese on each tortilla. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning and add a layer of salami.

4: Roll up the tortillas tightly and place them in the refrigerator to chill for at least 1 hour.

5: Once chilled, slice the tortilla rolls into pinwheels. Secure with toothpicks for easy serving.

6: Serve your Italian Pinwheels with marinara sauce or Italian dressing for dipping.

7: Enjoy these easy and flavorful Italian Pinwheels at your next party or gathering.

8: Get creative with your fillings by adding different meats, cheeses, and seasonings to customize your pinwheels.

9: Share your Easy Italian Pinwheels with friends and family, and watch them disappear in no time! Buon appetito!