1: "Start your day right with a healthy breakfast! Learn how to make Spinach and Prosciutto Frittata Muffins in under 30 minutes."

2: "Gather ingredients like spinach, prosciutto, eggs, and cheese for a delicious morning treat."

3: "Sauté spinach and prosciutto in a skillet until wilted, then transfer to muffin tins."

4: "Pour whisked eggs over the spinach and prosciutto mixture, then top with cheese."

5: "Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the frittata muffins are set and golden brown."

6: "Serve these savory muffins hot or cold for a perfect grab-and-go breakfast option."

7: "These Spinach and Prosciutto Frittata Muffins are packed with protein and nutrients to fuel your day."

8: "Customize the recipe with your favorite veggies or add-ins for a personalized touch."

9: "Enjoy the morning bliss of these delicious Spinach and Prosciutto Frittata Muffins in just under 30 minutes!"