1: Discover the secret tribute in NCIS Season 21 honoring beloved character Ducky, paving the way for a Tony and Ziva spinoff at Paramount in April 2024.

2: Fans were thrilled to see a touching nod to Ducky in the latest season of NCIS, leading to speculation about a new spinoff featuring Tony and Ziva.

3: Paramount is reportedly working on a spinoff series centered around Tony and Ziva, set to premiere in April 2024, exciting fans of the popular NCIS franchise.

4: The tribute to Ducky in NCIS Season 21 has sparked rumors of a spinoff series featuring Tony and Ziva, generating buzz and anticipation among viewers.

5: Details about the upcoming Tony and Ziva spinoff at Paramount are scarce, but fans are eagerly awaiting the premiere in April 2024 after the surprise tribute in NCIS Season 21.

6: The subtle setup for a Tony and Ziva spinoff in NCIS Season 21 has fans speculating about what's to come in the new series premiering at Paramount in April 2024.

7: With the secret tribute to Ducky in NCIS Season 21, fans are eagerly anticipating the launch of the Tony and Ziva spinoff at Paramount in April 2024.

8: Keep an eye out for more information on the Tony and Ziva spinoff as details emerge about the highly anticipated series set to debut at Paramount in April 2024.

9: Don't miss out on the excitement surrounding the upcoming Tony and Ziva spinoff at Paramount, fueled by the heartfelt tribute to Ducky in NCIS Season 21.